Oat My Gosh

A case study on fictional oat milk brand Oat My Gosh. Playfully exploring the branding and creative messaging of a sustainable oat milk company with a mission to “rev-oat-lutionize the dairy industry.”

The concept for Oat My Gosh was born out of my personal love for oat milk and the more visually playful identity oat milk brands tend to take as opposed to their cow’s milk counterpart. Initially setting a concept, mission, vision and values, I wanted Oat My Gosh’s identity to be friendly, humorous, and a little quirky — both visually and tonally. Building off of the brand’s whimsical name, other imaginary sister products would include a chai concentrate (another personal fave) titled “Chai Hey Hello” and a chocolate oat milk named “Nothing Rhymes with Chocolate.” Fake funding still pending — I’ll let you know once they hit the shelves.




Super Weird Things